Practice SQL Interview Questions on LeetCode

I have just posted a video on my YouTube channel “techTFQ” where I have shown how to find and solve SQL Questions on LeetCode. LeetCode is a good platform for practicing SQL Queries. The SQL Questions on LeetCode are framed pretty similar to how they are asked on SQL Interviews hence solving SQL questions on LeetCode can give you a good hands on experience on solving real world SQL questions.

LeetCode is a platform where you can find programming question which can be solved using several different programming languages such as Python, Java, Java Script, C, C++, PHP, Ruby and many more. LeetCode also has questions related to SQL which can be solved using either Oracle, MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server databases.

If you are a beginner in SQL or if you are preparing for SQL Interview thenI highly recommend solving SQL queries on LeetCode. Most of the free SQL questions on LeetCode are pretty basic but still the questions are framed very similar to how you can expect them during interviews so going through these questions will definitely help you. Having said that there are some tricky SQL questions on leetcode as well.

In my video, I have solved 3 SQL queries while explaining in details the thought process when solving these questions. I believe this should help any beginner to get an understanding of how to go about solving SQL queries on leetcode.

Since I have solved all the free SQL questions on leetcode, I am sharing all my queries to these leetcode problems so anyone can refer it in case they get stuck while solving any question.

You can download all of my solved SQL Queries by clicking on the download button below:


Top 25 SQL Interview Questions and Answers


Practice Writing SQL Queries using Real Dataset