Solving a Real SQL Interview Problem | Job Vacancies SQL Query

In this video we are Solving a Real SQL Interview Problem about displaying Job Vacancies using an SQL Query.

Treat this SQL problem as challenge, watch the first 4 mins of the video to understand the problem statement and my approach to solving this problem. You can then pause the video and go to my blog (link below) to download the dataset and create them in your database and then try to solve the problem yourself.

If your solution is same as mine, leave a comment below as “SOLVED! Same Solution”, else if your solution is different from mine then leave a comment as “SOLVED! Different Solution” and then leave your solution in the comment. However, if you are unable to solve the problem then let me know in comment what was the challenge you faced.

Download the dataset, scripts and solution from below:


3 SQL Queries Asked in Interview for Business Analyst - Solved


SQL Data Analytics Project | Data Analyst Portfolio Project using SQL, Python, Google Sheets