SQL JOINS Interview Question | What does different SQL Joins return?

Given 2 tables, identify the no of records returned using different type of SQL Joins.

This is a very frequently asked SQL Interview questions especially when a recruiter wants to test your knowledge on SQL joins, this is the kind of questions you can expect.

In this video, we shall look at 2 different datasets. Each dataset contains 2 tables which has duplicate data, null values etc. You are required to identify the no of records returned using INNER Join, LEFT Join, RIGHT Join, FULL JOIN, Natural Join and Cross Join. And you need to answer them without querying the tables.

Hence in order to answer such questions, you need to understand clearly how SQL internally performs different type of joins.

Download the dataset used in the video from below link:


Solving a Complex SQL Interview Problem | Find the Most Modified File Extension


SQL Interview Problem asked by Product Based Company